Auction Catalog

Thank you to our generous community for these donations!

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Displaying items 13 - 24 of 48 in total

4th grade Mission Collage

St. Raphael School

California missions drawn by the 4th grade students

California missions drawn by the 4th grade students

California missions drawn by the 4th grade students

8th grade portrait

St. Raphael School

8th grade portrait. $50 per picture.

8th grade portrait. $50 per picture.

8th grade portrait. $50 per picture.

8th grade portrait #2

St. Raphael School

8th grade portrait #3

St. Raphael School

8th Grade Portrait List

St. Raphael School



This is a wonderful opportunity to make a Catholic Education available for a child in need. St. Raphael School believes that every child should have access to the benefit of a Catholic Education, regardless of family circumstance. Your support not only strengthens our program but will help brighten the life of a future student. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to make a Catholic Education available for a child in need. St. Raphael School believes that every child should have access to the benefit of a Catholic Education, regardless of family circumstance. Your support not only strengthens our program but will help brighten the life of a future student. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to make a Catholic Education available for a child in need. St. Raphael School believes that every child should have access to the benefit of a Catholic Education, regardless of family circumstance. Your support not only strengthens our program but will help brighten the life of a future student. 

Barry Family Chiropractic Services

Barry Family Chiropractic Services

Barry Family Chiropractic Services

Barry Family Chiropractic Services

Barry Family Chiropractic Services

Bennett's Game Basket


Bennett's basket includes $100 Bennett's gift certificate, Monoply, Lemonade Shake-up, Suspend, Bingo and pick up stix.

Bennett's basket includes $100 Bennett's gift certificate, Monoply, Lemonade Shake-up, Suspend, Bingo and pick up stix.

Bennett's basket includes $100 Bennett's gift certificate, Monoply, Lemonade Shake-up, Suspend, Bingo and pick up stix.

black choker

Laureen Pitman

black choker 

black choker 

black choker 


St. Raphael School

Centerpieces Post Event

St. Raphael School

Children's Portrait Gift Certifi...

St. Raphael School

Children's Portrait Gift Certificate 

Children's Portrait Gift Certificate 

Children's Portrait Gift Certificate